NDIS is making a real difference

NDIS is making a real difference in the lives of Australians. With the individualized packaged funding, people with disability are gaining independence, finding work, studying and having greater choice and control over how they want to live their life. The NDIS now supports more than half a million adults and children with disability. Many of these people are receiving support for the first time.

The NDIS is a major reform of disability support in Australia.

It emerged after years of discussions about problems with the existing disability support arrangements, the need for reform, and proposals for new models of disability support. It was introduced across Australia in July 2016, except in Western Australia.

It is jointly governed and funded by the Australian, and participating state and territory governments. The NDIS provides funding to eligible people with disability to gain more time with family and friends, greater independence, access to new skills, jobs, or volunteering in their community, and an improved quality of life. It also connects anyone with disability to services in their community.

Quick Links & NDIS Support Information

HCCS is passionate about supporting those with disabilities and connecting them with community and government outreach and assistance. If you do not currently have NDIS and need more information or assistance with your NDIS access application, we can help. You can contact our office on (07) 4039 1610 between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday or send us an email info@himalayanccs.com.au There are also some quick links below, which provides additional information on the NDIS.

Himalayan Community Care Services Can Assist With ...

  • Daily Tasks
  • Community Participation
  • Tenancy / Accommodation
  • Assist - Personal Activities
  • Travel / Transport
  • Support Coordination
  • Life Stage Transition
  • Household Tasks
  • Personalised Care
  • Development - Life Skills
  • Group Activities
  • Empowering Life Choices

© Himalayan Community Care Services 2024

Website created by RJ New Designs