People with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to social isolation. HCCS value the importance of everyone having equal opportunities to socialise and actively participate in the community as others do. The benefits of community participation are vast and can include:
Based on your individual preferences, interests and needs, we facilitate participants with the opportunities to engage in activities they enjoy. Furthermore, we provide opportunity to make connection and form meaningful relationships. HCCS conduct 1:1 meeting with you to discuss your interests and identify your needs. We encourage individuals to share their likes and interests. If there is a consent, we will also speak to your family members, and any stakeholders who are involved in your care such as: Doctor, NDIS Coordinator, Physio etc. Once we establish a comprehensive plan, we arrange the matching Support Worker as bonding between SW and participant is crucial to execute the plan appropriately. Some of the activities that your SW will assist you with during the provision of Community Participation support includes, but is not limited to the following.
In addition, HCCS facilitates regular social group outings in the local areas. These include social gatherings, BBQ and Picnics. All participants and their family members are welcome to join. The idea is to facilitate socialisation and build relationships. HCCS provides transport if needed, however participants or their carers need to provide a day of prior notice to HCCS management team if they need assistance with transport.
Community participation usually comes under core funding. If you have a Support Coordinator, they can help you to understand about the allocation of your fund from NDIS plan. Alternatively, you can contact your LAC.
© Himalayan Community Care Services 2024